Hello everyone! Long time no see!
Thanks to all your feedback, We’re developing Summer Town with a better understanding and are moving forward to the Pre-Registration phase! Yes, that means it’s almost ready for everyone to play!
We’re offering everyone who pre-registers some in-game rewards! Here is the reward you can get:

- Azure Prince and Princess Apparel Set
- 100 Gems
- 10000 Shells
You can join the pre-register here: http://bit.ly/stpreregandroid
The Pre-Registration phase will be held for at least one week before the game is released. More info about the release date will come later.
Also, we’re still preparing the Apple iOS version. Please wait a bit more; we don’t want the games released in unpolished condition. Please stay tuned to our blog and social media for more info about that!
Thanks, everyone see ya!